Short films

Short films archive
Site en français


A man is a book room full of unidentified books. He has to piece the whole story together.

Watch now

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Format: Wallpaper

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Film suggestion
Air rage

A pilot has to deal with an unresponsive plane but in that flight path the plane difficulties may not be the worst thing about the situation.

Author: Olivier Bonenfant

Watch now

Another suggestion

An evening finishes by a breakup for a young couple. Evelyn tries to relieve the pain by writing a list of reproaches against her ex.

Author: Olivier Bonenfant

Watch now


The great cleanup of 2020

I probably added over 10 short films in the most recent update. There's a lot of original English versions because I'm based in Melbourne in Australia so all my recent work is indeed in English. I've been busy making shorts part of Filmonik Melbourne and, with a monthly screening in the center of the city, it's easy to feel motivated and create something every month or so.

5 new films at the same time

It feels so great to be able to put my latest films on this site. Those films were in my life and in festivals for the last two years.

Water disaster

Oh, what a bizarre production. Water disaster was a movie that turned into a trailer but it's so explosive you probably won't notice. You'll like the fact that it's only 4 minutes long. VHS POWER!


Promotion is a weird short film shot in Belgium in 48 hours in which you meet this young Belgian guy drowning at work and going on a drinking blinge, basically. Take this one lightly.


I have lots of love for this film since it's very musical and rythmic. It was shot in an afternoon in Quebec city and it belongs among the best films on this site. It's a fun and energetic ride with a confused guy going to work.


A nice adventure in Madagascar with two guys looking to meet women in an alternate world. Just being in Madagascar invited for a festival to produce this film was a great honor. Considering it was also shot and screened in 48 hours, I'm proud of this one.

Updating the site

Presenting to you a crazy french comedy (as in really shot in France with french actors) presented at Fantasia Festival 2012

Your dog is dead

Enjoy !

Breaking and entering

A new film! 2 thugs enter your home to entertain you for the next 6 minutes.

Fine, I'm ready.

Drunken shame

When you convince Eddie69 and a part of the RoadKill Superstar collective (and Hugo Matte ya know) to participate in a short stupid film set at Trou du diable, the mythical microbrewery, everything can happen.

Take a virtual shot here

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2006-01-11 - Genre: Truly bad movies
Note: 30% - Tube is South Korean action film with a promising look and some gen...

High Tension
2004-08-03 - Genre: Repertory cinema
Note: 65% - High Tension is part of french new wave cinema; a hard and intense ...

Operation Swordfish
2003-10-22 - Genre: Truly bad movies
Score: 45% - They say that it is the kind of film in which you should left your...

Awesomely sexy 1st person v...
Epic meal time, a great gre...
An Inception parody, but wi...
Paris aerial shots... sound...
BMX and insane camera work!
The Horribly Slow Murderer ...
Haiti in a 360 degree inter...
RSS feeds of links from oth...
Meet Billy Harvey
Cute girl, weird ad.
Things not to do in a stude...
If you can see this, turn m...
The bush game, for anyone w...
The embodiment of the bad a...
The best pop star to face t...

*Headlines are shortened for space
See all news

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Skins: STV Classic | SynapticOrgasm | Mars | Cyber-punk | DOS

Olivier Bonenfant - All rights reserved - 2003-2020 - www.multimediaintegrator.com